Did you know there are over 660,000 podcasts in the United States?
Here are a few more USA Stats (2018):
44% of people have listened to podcasts.
49% listen at home; 22% in the car.
44% of the listeners; 56%, are men.
Listeners listen to show 7 times a week.
27% of podcast listeners have a 4-year college degree – vs 19% for US population*
I started podcasting in early 2018, but never really focused on a steady recordings or releases. Then, December, 2018, when I learned how many people were tuning in to podcasts all over the world, I got serious.
I took an online class. I created my artwork, gave my show a name, and was recording and releasing regularly.
I also was honored to have "In the Know!!" accepted on 13 broadcasting platforms, including iTunes.

I partnered with Chartable. They track of all my episodes and give me the statistics.
My iTunes stats for “In the Know!” are as follows:
In my category, Places and Travel, I'm ranked 76th in the United States Apple podcasts.
I'm ranked 3rd in Iceland Apple podcast, in my category.
Latest episode, “My Singing Bowls from Myanmar” released February 23, 2019, has had 661 listeners Apple podcast listeners to date, March 1, 2019. And, this episode has been downloaded 168 times, in the same time frame.
Furthermore, the 168 Apple iTunes listeners download this episode are in the following countries, in alpha order:
Great Britain
United States
Can you believe that? Can't imagine how this has happened! But, I'm happy!
Doesn't that make you wonder what you are missing?
(And, note, these stats are only for my show on iTunes. Many more people are listening on many other platforms. See below.)
And, of course, my episodes are driving traffic to my website. How cool is that?
Podcasts are multiplying like crazy, all over the world. Easy listening, almost anywhere and any time. Plus, it's FREE.
It's the wave of the future...but, wait! The future is NOW!
Where can get access to "In the Know!!"?
Lots of places, including: iTunes, Spotify, InTune, Twitter, my website DiannAbroad.com, and more.
Or, go to your favorite platform and type in "In the Know!!" Diann Schindler, and viola!
Be sure to catch up on all of my previous episodes.
Thank you for reading this blog. Please forward to your friends and family!
Thank you, again!
*All stats in the beginning of the blog came from this source: